Wednesday, September 23, 2009

New toy

Arrived last week but just got it today. Bought a flash for my D90 and wireless flash trigger. Doing some strobing 101..hahha...just experiment things i learnt from my colleagues, herry.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Multi-monitor set up

Today, 2/9/09, i made a decission to move my mini workstation near to my room. Have to move from the living room coz of the festive season. mama kan ngusai rumah..hahaha...

Took the table from upstair and my old room..i made this set up (pics). four monitors...i shud have 5..balance jua rasanya...hahaha...

why 4 monitors? i like multi-tasking and mostly its for my study of currency. ;D. hey, more is better ryt? hehehhe..